Monday, May 25, 2015

Secret to Reducing Heart Problems
Cardiovascular health effects the overall wellness of any individual and is the basis of a strong, healthy body. A focused exercise and diet routine can help you keep your heart in shape and heart diseases at bay.

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the primary killers in the US. In fact, one of four deaths in the US, is a consequence of some form of a heart disease. While heart diseases affect both men in women to great extents, men are somewhat more at risk, compared to women.
The deadliest type of heart disease is coronary heart disease, which kills almost four hundred thousand people every year. Naturally, people with the slightest symptoms of a heart related problem look for ways to make their hearts healthier. A healthy heart is a product of a well-balanced diet with emphases on specific nutrients and a regular exercise regime. Health-heart supplements also feature prominently in the equation. We discuss in detail below.

Heart healthy Diet

•    You should keep unhealthy fats at bay; this includes saturated and Trans fats. Essentially, this demands monitoring the intake of high cholesterol foods such as dairy products, meats and processed foods.

•    You should increase the intake of good fats, which are found in food items such as fish and olive oil. Good fats contain omega-3, one of the healthiest nutrients to lower heart diseases. You can also resort to an omega-3 based supplement, to fulfill your daily requirement.

•    A fiber-rich diet will help you keep the low density lipoprotein (LDL) level of your body, under control. LDLs are infamously known as bad cholesterol, and are a primary culprit of heart diseases.

Heart healthy exercise regime

Working for a healthy heart is different from working for a strong, muscular body. The latter, may require hours of rigorous work-out at the gym but the former, largely involves performing light, regular exercises on a daily basis.

Some important guidelines for an effective cardio-vascular workout plan –

•    Perform light exercises for about 30 minutes every day.

•    Keep the intensity level at medium to low, especially if you’re already a heart patent.

•    Determine the emphasis you want to lay on incorporating strength training exercises in your routine.

•    If you’re overweight, focus on weight loss exercises and increase the time spent in the gym by an extra half hour or so, in addition to the mandatory 30 minutes, you’re supposed to do every day.

Note that it is advisable for heart patients to train for strength, as per the new guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Strength training is recommended for healthy adults under the age of 65. Also conduct thorough research on the various heart health supplements in the market before making any of them part of your plan.

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